
Can Hearing Aids Help Me at Work?
Can Hearing Aids Help Me at Work?

How important is communication where you work? Unless you are completely isolated and only communicate with your colleagues via email or messaging apps, verbal communication with others at work is critical to job performance. A cross-sectional study conducted over a...

When Was Your Last Hearing Test?
When Was Your Last Hearing Test?

We’ve heard through the grapevine that more and more young people are wearing hearing aids these days. It’s true—we’ve seen for ourselves how younger generations are now seeing the benefits of hearing care in loud and busy environments. Noise-induced hearing loss is...

Building a Strong Foundation for Better Hearing
Building a Strong Foundation for Better Hearing

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and it will be here before we know it. However, as I’m sure you know, it’s important to build a strong foundation for better hearing and speech all year round. As hearing care professionals, one of our greatest passions is...

Cochlear Implants: A Beacon of Hope
Cochlear Implants: A Beacon of Hope

Managing a severe hearing loss can be an isolating, distressing experience. While hearing aid technology has come a long way over the years, sometimes hearing aids just aren’t enough. Fortunately, cochlear implants have emerged as a revolutionary solution for hearing...

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