One of the most life-changing things that you can do is to get a hearing aid. However, as positive and life-changing this is, it also can take some time for you to adjust to this new way of life. This is very normal. After all, you have had trouble hearing and now you can suddenly hear better than you have in years. Or, maybe you have purchased a new hearing aid online because you found a good deal and you have some discomfort while wearing it.
No matter what your situation is, we have some tips that may help you with adjusting to your new hearing aid.
Wear Them Around the House First
Start out by wearing them around your house first, or in other listening environments that are quiet. Focus on having conversations one-on-one in the beginning. Tell your family and friends that you’re wearing hearing aids. This way they can help you to hear better as you’re wearing them in noisier environments. Speaking to your pet or reading out loud also can help you become used to hearing your voice as well.
Try Different Things
So that you have practice using your hearing aid, try locating the sources of noises in the house or environment. You also can listen to talk radio or audiobooks while you’re at home alone.
Take Breaks
When you first get your hearing aids, only wear them 2-3 hours during that first day. Then you can add more hours each following day. Increase how many hours you have them in your ears gradually, Also, gradually increase the times and places where you are wearing them. This will help you get better acclimated to them.
Attend Your Follow-up Visits
It’s important that you see your audiologist regularly so that they can fine-tune those sounds you are hearing, adjust your aids’ fit inside your ear and discuss any situations that you are finding most challenging. The majority of patients visit the audiologist around two weeks following their first fitting so that their devices can be fine-tuned and the volume may be adjusted.
Expect Some Frustration
Many people get their hearing aids only after they haven’t heard well for several years. There’s a good chance that your ears are going to flood you with sounds that went unnoticed before. This is particularly true with background noise. Even something as normal as a refrigerator humming can be annoying since you may not have heard it before. It will take time, but eventually, those background noises will become as normal to you as they were before.
These are just some tips that you can remember when it comes to adjusting to your new hearing aids. It’s a lot like adjusting to a new pair of glasses. You are hearing things that you haven’t heard for a long time, and it’s a big adjustment. But with time, you will get through it.
If you or a loved one is experiencing discomfort or is having trouble adjusting to new hearing aids, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are happy to help, even if you didn’t purchase your hearing aids with us.